Best Family Feud Celebration Ever???? *Video*

I love Family Feud, in fact i’ve never met anyone crazy enough not to love Family Feud. It’s the most simple concept of a game just asking people a survey basically. When they had Family Feud on Facebook a few years ago i’d play my 1 free game a day every day, almost pulled the trigger on dropping a $20 spot on some tokens for more games but resisted because I hate Facebook. Anyways check out these hotrods celebrating their win of $20,000 after winning fast money…..

Let’s all take a moment to cherish and break down each great part of this video.

First of all, I want to be invited to every social gathering these crazy fucks have, seriously such a good time I guarantee they all shotgun beers and play beach volleyball naked.

They start out with the standard white people dance, arms in the air and “raising the roof’ ok…

Then they go straight country and do a fucking dosey doh going in circles like their at a ho-down and grabbing arms for a few seconds and alternating by the second *textbook form in my opinion*

Then before you know it the dude at the :27 second mark is feelin’ it, and takes the stage, all eyes on him he goes all high stepping with arms crossed like a fucking soldier marching and decided to go all out on the “robot dance” and absolutley annihilates it. My man how much per hour to have you to teach me how to dance for my next nigh cap at XS???

 P.S. check out old grandpa Jerry just getting loose as fuck in the background

and the other white guy who can’t dance but is trying to so damn hard.



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